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June 2, 2024, 8:12 am

Then a saw a 3' diameter yellow/orange ball of light appear about 15' outside the building. As I watched its progress above the. To my left I saw a blue ball of fire about twice the size of a basketball with a small trailing tail of the same color traveling parallel with me about 30 feet off of the road in the woods. I remember this vividly in my head, but so does my mother to this day. Say this, if you feel this rush while your walking stop like i did |. Category of music or film - Daily Themed Crossword. We searched all over the immeidate area and found no traces of anything left from this 'microexplosion. '

Carpet Laying Statistics Crossword Clue Today

IT WAS 1235 AT THE MOST. Even at such an age, I couldn't acknowledge that. I have good character and don't lie. Sarah . Then it just vanished in a bunch of sparks.

Carpet Laying Statistics Crossword Club De France

No more than 250' down the road when (simultaneously I believe) a. deafening crash of thunder and a tremendous bolt of lightning hit on the. There was no "weather" in the immediate area. Barrie is now a professional accountant. Moving slowly down the street as it hovered down to touch the street, bounced back up, then back down a second time, then bounced back up with a. lesser bounce, then slowly back down a third time. I had to blink many times before it was gone, I just couldn't believe what I saw. Carpet laying statistics crossword club de france. I was a little frightened, but don't know why.

Carpet Laying Statistics Crossword Clue Crossword Clue

South Africa - Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 02:24:36 (PDT). It was stormy but the worst had passed. The sphere had no tail and was. It travelled north to south, fairly true, for a long distance and then disappeared. A car parked right below the light sped away and when the ball vanished the power went back on. What impressed me, was that it seemed to move with a sense of purpose and that I was of no interest whatsoever! I had never heard of ball lightning as a seven-year-old. Carpet-laying statistic crossword clue. Rhondda, UK Wales - Saturday, August 18, 2007 at 11:11:08 (PDT). That vision has always stayed with me. There was a lightning strike like an explosion and out of the corner of my eye, coming out of the bathroom rolled a ball of lightning the size of a basketball, yellowish white in color. There was no sound and no variation in the intensity of the light given off by this phenomenon, nor was there any sound when it suddenly disappeared. We however at the lochside heard. The spark looked dangerous. After, probably 3-4 seconds, the ball just exploded with a huge bang.

Carpet Laying Statistics Crossword Clue 1

Another really strange incident I had with lightning was when it hit our power pole outside of our house. Once inside my room, it hovered again, about three feet from me, probably four feet off the floor. Lee's Summit, Mo USA - Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 01:02:40 (PDT). Suddenly it popped rather loudly, especially considering how quiet the house was. AND THEN IT WAS DAMAGE AT ALL. Crossword Explorer Clues and Answers for November 16 2022. Before these skeptic geeks come in here with their lame explanations, try driving or walking around with someone who experiences this. I have spoken to quite a few other people who have witnessed similar experiences all along the Deleware valley from here south to Stroudsburg. The image and sound has been hunting my mind and i have never seen anything on the internet that it resembles. PS I was also somewhat shaken by the experience and at the time did not know what I had just seen. In, I think the summer of 1964 I was fishing the Loch an Eilein in the. 2 nano secounds to realize what it might be and i really didnt. I was at first sort of flustered and remarked to my mom that I was seeing weird lights.... I am uncertain on the exact age I was, but to the best of my recollection, I believe I was between 8-10 years old (between years 1991-1993) and the time of year is uncertain, other than it was a warm night.

Carpet Laying Statistics Crossword Clue Printable

It looked about the size of a beach ball with red outer ring with a transparent blueish glow with smaller balls held within looking like atoms floating inside. Carpeting statistic crossword clue. Access to hundreds of puzzles, right on your Android device, so play or review your crosswords when you want, wherever you want! We both ran to the back of the house but what ever it was had vanished. I was on night shift at sharlston colliery in west yorkshire england as i was in the pit yard with many other miners waiting to go down the mine when all of a sudden out of nowhere appeared a very bright white orb shaped light which hovered about 25 ft above us it was slow moving and suddenly stopped and did a right angle turn between two buildings and then just disapeared into the night the whole experience lasted about 10 to 15 seconds it was quite amazing at the time.

Carpeting Statistic Crossword Clue

It slowly traversed the. The two small balls vanished with no sound but the larger ball floated about 4 ft off of the hallway floor then slowly bounced up and down twice in the same spot on the floor before making a loud crack and then it to went away. This is the only strange thing I. have ever encountered in my 44 years. It came into my home and approached towards the middle of the running fan and gets disappeared. T see anything and I couldn? Carpet laying statistics crossword clue and solver. I'm sorry for all the people who have had terrible experiences of the phenomena. Lift up my shades a ball of light about the size of a basketball or. I felt the ball lightning was an omen of this. The second instance consisted of a single brightly glowing red ball about 10 cm in diameter that first appeared near the ceiling, floated downward and then vanished after about 10 sec. When I finally got the phone to call my mom I was crying and she thought I was on drugs. All burns were almost the same size and color, discoloring the varnished real wood wall Aunt was so shaken by this that we were not allowed in the kitchen all that night.

Carpet Laying Statistics Crossword Clue And Solver

Urbana, Oh USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 16:08:16 (PST). Christopher . The ball did not appear to be high enough to be traveling along the power lines, but in between the lines and the ground. Once it descended below the table it disappeared. C. 1958-1960 (8-10 years old) saw a yellow/orange ball descend from storm clouds for at least 1.
Michael Yanik . I opened the curtains and outside far off in the sky was a almost perfect circle glowing orange. I asked my girlfriend if she could see them and and wasnt able to for some reason, I'm closed minded when it comes to unexlained phenomenon, but I'm 100 percent positive I seen this! The flaming ball appeared to hover at the man door for about 2 seconds then it moved towards us at a very high rate of speed it flew over the top of the car and must have gone out the roll up door. We found latter that the places it went in the kitchen were the exact locations of all electrical boxes one side of the wall or the other. Jacq . A circular ball of light flowed through the clouds. Was the size of a golf ball possibly a little larger. I reached to turn on the light and as I did it sort of popped and was gone.

What did it mean?... Houma, La USA - Tuesday, December 04, 2007 at 17:56:23 (PST). My brother later went outside to check the fort and reported seeing that parts of it had been destroyed or melted. Our eyes were fixated on the ball, our eyes watched it bounce on the tile floor and out the back sliding door which happened to be opened. Occured 10 feet in the direct path i has walking. As i was walking i saw this floating Blue ball looking like a lightning orb, now i was young so it scared the shit otta me so i turned on the lights immidiatly thinking it wasa ghost or somthing (and im deathly afraid of ghost) i told my friend about this and he said it was a "lighting ball".

It rose to the height of 2', drifted with in 18" of where I was sitting in a metal kitchen chair, appeared to navigate a corner, and vanished with a pop and a whiff of ozone. Normal reports of ball lightning but since I can't be sure, any suggestions of what I experienced are welcome. The whole thing only lasted a matter of seconds. I still am trying to figure out what this way. The only explanation I can give is ball lightning. I think it probably hit our house....

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